Alpine.js is a super lightweight (15.04 KB) JavaScript framework that adds some basic interactivity and templating behavior all via HTML attributes. It helps with templating pages with data, like looping, toggles etc. all with a minimal markup based setup. You can get started with Alpine by adding the following script tag to your HTML page's <head/>:

<script defer src=""></script>

The following is a basic example of Alpine's features where we're setting a button that toggles the variable open to when clicked, which then toggles the visibility of a span element.

<div x-data="{ open: false }">
    <button @click="open = !open">Toggle</button>
    <span x-show="open" x-transition>Content...</span>

We're also using the x-transtiion directive here that applies a nice fade transition the revealing element.


What I find super powerful with Alpine is the ability to template pages based on a JSON object without needing a lot of messy document selectors and createElement calls. Say we have an object we need to display on a page. We can use the x-for directive to loop over the data and insert it into the document, making use of the HTML template:

<div x-data="{ animals: ['cat', 'dog', 'parrot'] }">
  <template x-for="animal in animals">
    <li x-text="animal"></li>

First we are setting the x-data attribute to our data set, this scopes the data to the child nodes, but you can scope additional x-data things in the nested children if you need. Check out the x-data#scope docs for more info on the behavior of scoped data in Alpine.

Display data using fetch

The more powerful setups I have found with Alpine is using the fetch function to call an API and then making use of the response JSON on the page. In the following example we grab some data from the Star Wars API then just iterate over the results.

<div x-data="alpineInstance()"
          .then(response => response.json())
          .then(data => planets = data.results)">
    <h1 x-text="title"></h1>
    <p x-html="intro"></p>
    <template x-for="planet in planets">
        <li x-text=""></li>
  function alpineInstance() {
    return {
      title: 'Alpine.js',
        'Implement a simple <code>fetch()</code> request to render a list of items using Alpine.js.',
      planets: [],

The x-data property initializes our instance, where we set up some basic data scaffold we will use later, mainly the planets array we're going to populate in a second with the data from our API call.

Second we use the x-init property to execute some javascript during the initialization phase of Alpine, with a fetch call we then unpack the response and assign our planets array.

There is a lot more to Alpine than these basic templating, there are a full suite of directives and even some plugins to expand what you can do with it. You can check out the full directive list and more on the Alpine documentation.

I also put together a quick demo of some features on this CodePen.